“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
With a clear sense of purpose, I strive to embody five core values, which serve as guiding principles in both my personal and professional endeavours. These values — Regeneration, Trust and Transparency, Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Social Justice, Human Thriving, and Vulnerability — drive my actions, fostering a brighter, more inclusive future in the world of business and collaboration.
Regeneration: A Thriving Planet
Our core value should be regeneration, recognising that what we create shapes us, should compel us to confront our egos and actively renew our world, prioritising sustainable practices to forge a brighter future as good ancestors.
Trust and Transparency: Activism, Diversity and Collective Intelligence
We need to foster cultures grounded in trust, transparency, equity, and equality, sparking innovative thinking through 'collective imagining' and activism, while also harnessing the power of neurodivergent (non-linear) thinking to enhance our collective creativity.
Mental Health, Well-being, and Social Justice: A Collective Responsibility
Mental health, safety, and wellbeing are collective responsibilities, emphasising the importance of individuals caring for one another, essential not only for personal and collective wellbeing but also for economic sustainability and the health of our ecosystems.
Human Thriving: Embracing Vulnerability
In our ever-changing world, the future of work and leadership is a fluid and multi-faceted. Critical thinking, combined with humility and vulnerability, unlocks the key to thriving in our evolving landscapes. Redefining leadership and human potential, while highlighting these qualities as sources of strength, empowers everyone to reach their full potential.